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1 Chronicles 14 Commentary

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One-sentence brief of the summary: Hiram of Tyre’s outreach to build a house for David exemplifies an early, divinely orchestrated alliance that provided vital materials and support for Israel’s new king, demonstrating both God’s provision and the growing renown of David’s rule.

God firmly established David for Israel’s sake and not merely David’s personal glory.

David’s growing family line underlines his earthly success that, while beneficial for Israel’s stability, also foreshadows the Messiah’s lineage.

David’s family lineage continued God’s covenant promise, setting the stage for the coming of Christ.

(Short Summary) Ibhar, Elishua, and Elpelet were among David’s sons born in Jerusalem, highlighting God’s blessing on David’s capital city and the unfolding of His covenant promises through David’s lineage.

David’s family multiplied as evidence of God’s ongoing favor and the fulfillment of divine promises in Israel’s royal line.

These sons emphasize God’s continued promise to preserve David’s royal line.

David’s decisive stand when the Philistines came against him revealed his reliance on the LORD and solidified his role as Israel’s God-appointed king.

This verse shows us the importance of seeking God’s guidance in the face of challenges.

God provides the victory when we humbly seek His guidance.

God’s swift victory reminds believers that His power can break through life’s greatest barriers.

David destroys the abandoned Philistine idols to emphasize God’s absolute supremacy and preserve holiness in Israel.

The Philistines made yet another raid in the valley, showing that God’s people often face repeated opposition but can continue to rely on divine guidance.

A succinct way to capture this verse: David seeks fresh counsel from God, receives specific battle instructions, and obeys with victorious results.

God promises victory when we wait on Him.

David’s faithful obedience to the Lord’s instructions ensured that Israel’s enemies were subdued and served as a model of trust in God’s provision.

David’s fame affirmed God’s sovereignty over all nations.

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