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Tough Topics Explained

Welcome to our Tough Topics Explained articles. These articles take a deep dive into various themes and topics found in the Bible that are often misunderstood. Browse them one by one, or filter by topic to find key Biblical themes you want to explore.


How Do Ancient Jewish Teachings and Greek Philosophy Converge in John’s Gospel?

How Do Ancient Jewish Teachings and Greek Philosophy Converge in John’s Gospel?

This TBS article has three parts to it as it further explains what the Targums were, the concept of the Memra, and verse...

Why Should I Have Faith that the Universe was Created by God?

Why Should I Have Faith that the Universe was Created by God?

This article intends to answer the question of whether facts from science and reason support a belief that a super-intel...

Why is Christmas Celebrated on December 25?

Why is Christmas Celebrated on December 25?

A Short History of Celebrating the Birth of Jesus

Do the Jewish Festivals of Passover, Hanukkah, and Tabernacles Bear Witness to the Messiah’s Birth?

Do the Jewish Festivals of Passover, Hanukkah, and Tabernacles Bear Witness to the Messiah’s Birth?

The festivals of Passover, Hanukkah, and Tabernacles each tell their own story of redemption, light, and divine presence...

How Many Times Did Jesus Appear After His Resurrection?

How Many Times Did Jesus Appear After His Resurrection?

This article attempts to list these appearances with their scripture references in chronological order.

What Happened Between Jesus’s Resurrection and His Ascension? Part 2

What Happened Between Jesus’s Resurrection and His Ascension? Part 2

A harmony of Biblical events after the day He rose until He ascended into heaven

What Happened Between Jesus’s Resurrection and His Ascension?  Part 1

What Happened Between Jesus’s Resurrection and His Ascension? Part 1

This article is the first of two Bible Says articles that attempts to harmonize the Bible’s resurrection accounts. 

Did Jesus of Nazareth Rise from the Dead?

Did Jesus of Nazareth Rise from the Dead?

The Christian faith is squarely based on a historical event. This event is Jesus’s physical resurrection from the dead. ...

A Word Of Trust

A Word Of Trust

At first glance, these words may seem like a cry of defeat in the face of cruel death, but upon further consideration we...

A Word Of Victory

A Word Of Victory

The Greek term which John used to capture the meaning of Jesus’s expression was “tetelestai.” This expression was common...

A Word Of Agony

A Word Of Agony

In addition to the sharp and humiliating pains of being nailed naked to a cross, the body also suffered prolonged exposu...

A Word Of Desolation

A Word Of Desolation

This infers that Jesus, the Messiah, was in unimaginable turmoil when he shouted out these words. Taken in isolation, th...

A Word Of Love

A Word Of Love

Shortly after the soldiers divided up Jesus’s garments (Matthew 27:35-36; John 19:23-25a), Jesus said His third recorded...

A Word Of Assurance

A Word Of Assurance

God’s love extends to the depraved thief, and to every sinner who entrusts their hope upon Jesus. There is no sin or lev...

A Word Of Mercy

A Word Of Mercy

What is remarkable about this statement is who and what He was praying for. He was not praying for Himself. He was not a...

On The Way To The Cross: Jesus's Prophetic Warning

On The Way To The Cross: Jesus's Prophetic Warning

In addition to the seven final statements our Lord said on the cross, There is a prophetic warning that He gave to a gro...

Jesus’s Seven Last Words from the Cross

Jesus’s Seven Last Words from the Cross

The Bible records seven sayings of Jesus from the cross. They are the final things Jesus said before He died, was buried...

Why Does God Allow Evil?: The Impact of Our Choices

Why Does God Allow Evil?: The Impact of Our Choices

The Problem of Evil is a profound dilemma that has sparked intense debate from the earliest memories of our history. The...

Why is the Gospel a Mystery?

Why is the Gospel a Mystery?

The Gospel (“good news” “good message”) is that Jesus the Son of God has freed humans from sin and separation by His dea...

Bearing the Cross: Exploring the Unimaginable Suffering of Crucifixion

Bearing the Cross: Exploring the Unimaginable Suffering of Crucifixion

Throughout the annals of human history, few forms of execution have captured the collective imagination and invoked horr...

Ransom and Redemption: Jesus and Barabbas as Day of Atonement Symbols

Ransom and Redemption: Jesus and Barabbas as Day of Atonement Symbols

This article seeks to uncover the layers of symbolism between the Day of Atonement and Pilate’s offer to the Jewish prie...

Guilt and Repentance: The Healthy Way to Deal with Remorse

Guilt and Repentance: The Healthy Way to Deal with Remorse

As sinful human beings we are all guilty of violating God’s commands and the good harmony He created for us to enjoy.  R...

The Kingdom of Heaven vs the Kingdom of God

The Kingdom of Heaven vs the Kingdom of God

As you read through the different Gospel accounts, you may notice a few common phrases Jesus uses when speaking and teac...

Jesus's Trial, Part 5. The Laws of Practice that were Violated

Jesus's Trial, Part 5. The Laws of Practice that were Violated

This is the final of five articles discussing the events and circumstances of Jesus’s religious trial before the Jewish ...

Jesus's Trial, Part 4. The Judicial Principles that were Violated

Jesus's Trial, Part 4. The Judicial Principles that were Violated

This is the fourth of five articles discussing the events and circumstances of Jesus’s religious trial before the Jewish...

Jesus's Trial, Part 3. The 5 Stages of Jesus’s Trial

Jesus's Trial, Part 3. The 5 Stages of Jesus’s Trial

This is the third of five articles discussing the events and circumstances of Jesus’s religious trial before the Jewish ...

Jesus's Trial, Part 2. The Jewish Law and the Political Actors who Condemned Jesus

Jesus's Trial, Part 2. The Jewish Law and the Political Actors who Condemned Jesus

The purpose of these articles is to highlight the injustices done to Jesus during His religious trials, by demonstrating...

Jesus's Trial, Part 1. The Laws Broken by the Religious Leaders: A Summary

Jesus's Trial, Part 1. The Laws Broken by the Religious Leaders: A Summary

The purpose of these articles is to highlight the injustices done to Jesus during His religious trials by demonstrating ...

Timeline:  The Final 24 Hours of the Life of Jesus

Timeline: The Final 24 Hours of the Life of Jesus

Jesus’s final 24 hours is something that has been debated over the centuries as to when those events occurred in relatio...

Jesus’s Last Supper as a Passover Seder

Jesus’s Last Supper as a Passover Seder

Over the course of their accounts, Matthew, Mark, and Luke all seem to depict this meal as a Passover Seder (Matthew 26:...

The Passover Seder

The Passover Seder

Incredibly, the roots of Passover Seders were celebrated as far back as the Exodus generation in obedience to God’s comm...

Jesus and the Messianic Fulfillments of Passover and Unleavened Bread

Jesus and the Messianic Fulfillments of Passover and Unleavened Bread

There are many ways in which the original Passover events foreshadowed Jesus as the Messiah and God’s plan to redeem the...

The Original Passover

The Original Passover

Broadly speaking, Passover evokes the entire story of Israel’s relocation to Egypt under the protection of Joseph, the f...

What is Righteousness?

What is Righteousness?

The Bible speaks often of "righteousness.” For instance, in the New American Standard Bible, the English word “Righteous...

Suzerain-Vassal Treaties

Suzerain-Vassal Treaties

God’s covenant/treaty with Israel was set forth in a form common in the ancient Near East, a format known as a Suzerain-...

What is Hell? Hades and Tartarus in the Bible

What is Hell? Hades and Tartarus in the Bible

Hades/Sheol is a temporary holding place of the dead until the final judgment. Within Hades are two separated regions: a...

What is Hell? Gehenna and the Outer Darkness

What is Hell? Gehenna and the Outer Darkness

Gehenna and the Outer Darkness are cultural illustrations that describe the shame-filled, bitter, sorrowful experience o...

What is Hell? The Eternal Punishment and The Lake of Fire

What is Hell? The Eternal Punishment and The Lake of Fire

The Lake of Fire is the final destination for the devil and his angels. It is also where humans whose names are not writ...

What is Eternal Life? How to Gain the Gift of Eternal Life

What is Eternal Life? How to Gain the Gift of Eternal Life

When God created men and women in His image, He created them to live in partnership forever with Him as they ruled over ...

Eternal Life: Receiving the Gift vs Inheriting the Prize

Eternal Life: Receiving the Gift vs Inheriting the Prize

The Gift of Eternal Life is living forever with God as a member of His eternal family.



Revelation promises an extra special blessing in the next life to the one who “overcomes.” The book of Revelation is wri...

The Temple

The Temple

In Hebrew, the temple is called the “Beit Hamikdash” which means “the holy house.” It was intended to be God’s earthly d...

The Four Languages of Jesus’s Judea

The Four Languages of Jesus’s Judea

Jews of Jesus’s day were multilingual. To varying degrees they understood Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek, and Latin.

Biblical Fatherhood

Biblical Fatherhood

One of the most powerful truths for Christians is summed up by Paul in Romans 8:14-16. He writes that all who are led by...

Son of Man

Son of Man

Jesus often used the phrase Son of Man to reference Himself. In total, the four gospels will use the term Son of Man eig...

Money and Possessions

Money and Possessions

The Bible is neutral toward riches. It is our attitude toward riches and the way in which they are used that is celebrat...

Founding Paradox

Founding Paradox

Philosophical systems based on logic can never explain their founding paradox. An example is the relativist’s belief tha...

Covenants in the Bible

Covenants in the Bible

A covenant is a contract, a treaty, a ritual agreement or alliance between two parties. It formally binds the two partie...



“By faith we understand that the worlds were prepared by the word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of thing...

The Spirit vs. The Flesh

The Spirit vs. The Flesh

The Flesh and the Spirit are complete opposites. Our most fundamental choice as believers is choosing each day, each mom...