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Hebrews 1:8-9 meaning

Still contrasting the Son with the angels, this verse talks about Christ’s throne lasting forever and God anointing Christ above everything.

A clear contrast is seen between verses 6 and 7 and these verses; angels serve God, but Christ is on the throne. These verses are quoted from the Old Testament (Psalm 45:6-7) and refer to the triumph of Jesus as King; Christ's throne and rule will be established forever and ever. But of the Son He Says, "Your throne, O God, is forever and ever, and the righteous scepter is the scepter of His kingdom" (v 8). This is one of the clearest statements of the Son being called God, proof of Christ's divinity and eternal status as the second person of the Trinity. Christ will rule over His kingdom with righteousness.

"You have loved righteousness and hated lawlessness" (v 9) refers to Christ's obedience on earth which made Him an inheritor of all.

"Therefore God, your God, has anointed You
With the oil of gladness above your companions
(v 9)."

Because of Christ's obedience, He is anointed with the oil of gladness above His companions. As we will see throughout Hebrews, Christ's companions are fellow humans who are obedient. These faithful servants will be inheritors with Him, but Jesus is above all.

Christ obtained His inheritance, rule, and joy due to His life of righteousness of obedience; the same will be true of His companions. There is no joy greater than pleasing our Creator. The Greek word for companions is "metochous," from the root word "metochos." "Metochos" is an important word in Hebrews, used throughout (Hebrews 3:1, 3:14, 6:4). It means to be a participator, a sharer, or a business partner; the companions of Christ are those who share in His reward because of faithful obedience to Him in this life. If we share in His walk of obedience, then He will reward us by sharing with us His inheritance (the earth).

If we live a life of obedience, we will be rewarded with the unimaginable glory of sharing in Christ's inheritance. Unless we live in faithful obedience, growth, and maturity, we will not be rewarded as "sons," those who inherit. Rather we will just remain children. Growing in faithful obedience is a major theme in Hebrews; the Pauline Author admonishes his believing Jewish friends later on that they have stopped growing in obedience and are now hard of hearing (Hebrews 5:11).

He admonishes them to return to the path that will lead to inheritance, which requires living a sacrificial life of obedience. It is essential to recognize that the distinction between "child" and "son" lies in the child's willingness to grow in faithfulness and obedience.

When someone trusts Christ, they are "born again" into the family of God as a child (John 3:3, 14-15). They are given the gift of birth (and that gift is irreversible—Romans 11:29). Although becoming a child is an irrevocable gift, children are not automatically given the reward of "sonship"—inheriting the responsibility to manage the family estate—just because they are part of the family. Children must mature and grow up into faithful and obedient children before receiving the reward of being granted the responsibility to reign (being called a "son,") just as Christ was given the title of son after His faithfulness on earth (Matthew 28:18).

Jesus was God from the beginning. He came to earth as a human and learned obedience. As a result of His obedience He was elevated as a "Son" to rule; He was given authority over heaven and earth (Matthew 28:18). His desire is to see us walk in His example, and to share His reward with us.


Hebrews 1:8