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Judges 10 Commentary

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God’s care for His people continues to be demonstrated through timely leadership and restoration in every era.

God raised Tola to guide His people through a challenging era.

Jair served as a faithful judge, bringing stability and peace to Israel for twenty-two years in Gilead.

Jair’s thirty sons, their donkeys, and their thirty cities exemplify the extensive influence and stability of his governance.

Jair was a faithful judge who led Israel for a period, died, and was buried in Kamon.

Israel once again failed to serve the one true God and instead embraced the false gods of surrounding nations.

God both judges sin and paves the way for redemption.

This verse shows how Israel faced a sustained, severe oppression in the very land God had previously given them.

Israel’s dire circumstances vividly show the nation’s vulnerability and the necessity for genuine repentance and trust in the LORD.

This verse reveals Israel’s plea for mercy, demonstrating the cycle of sin, repentance, and God’s faithful compassion in the Book of Judges.

God reminds Israel of His repeated deliverances so that they may trust in Him alone.

God provides faithful deliverance despite repeated rebellion by His people.

This verse shows that forsaking God’s protection by serving other gods leads to the painful consequences of struggling without His deliverance.

Brief summary: In Judges 10:14, God confronts Israel’s idolatry by telling them to seek help from the false gods they chose, emphasizing the inevitable failure of trusting in anything other than Him.

God’s people confess their sin and throw themselves on His mercy, trusting in His deliverance.

Israel realized that God’s compassion is inseparable from His holiness, and their renewed obedience paved the way for restoration.

The tensions between Israel and the sons of Ammon compelled both sides to assemble for a significant confrontation in Gilead.

A one-sentence brief of this summary: Israel’s leadership vacuum, embodied by the people’s question in Judges 10:18, reveals their desperation for a capable deliverer and foreshadows the way God would raise up Jephthah as their temporary savior, ultimately pointing forward to Jesus Christ as the perfect Deliverer.

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